Param Bole


[ Accidental Engineer ]

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My Name is Param Bole and I am currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science at University of Southern California, LA.

Techical Skills

Work Experience

Electronic Arts

Bluejeans Networks




Academic Paper Recommendation System

Developed a weighted context-based collaborative filtering citation recommender system for academic papers using the Aminer dataset. Our proposed model shows a 10% improvement for MRR score, 30% for MAP score and 2.5% in Presision, F1 and Recall compared to the baseline model

Framework for software comparison and classification

Developed a framework to automatically extract dependencies from GitHub repositories and make it available in a machine-readable manner. Performed various cluster analysis like LDA, K-means, GMM and determined we can’t find similarities in scientific softwares and group them automatically by exploring dependencies


Developed a framework for obfuscation of Personally identifiable information (PII) in an API response. The APIs to be obfuscated are identified using annotations and response keys to be obfuscated are extracted from a Mongo collection


Developed prototype of intelligent adaptive traffic signal using reinforcement learning. Reduced the average wait time by 8% and vehicular emissions by 12% equivalent to 6000 tonnes of carbon monoxide
